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Our Interns

Feeding Philly has introduced interns to build intergrade connections, foster leadership, and educate students passionate about fighting food insecurity. 

Savannah Sandhuas

“I decided to join Feeding Philly as an intern because I viewed it as an opportunity to gain new leadership skills as a bigger part of the team. I hoped this position would expand my knowledge of food insecurity in Philadelphia and to see how I could spread this information to my school and outside community to benefit those less fortunate.”

Sharon Lin

“I joined Feeding Philly because I really liked the idea of helping people fight hunger and spreading positivity around the community. I would love to, along with others, make an effort to make a change in Philly.”

Ethan Cui

“Joining Feeding Philly as an intern was an opportunity for me to learn how to combat food insecurity and food waste in my school and outside communities. Being a part of the Feeding Philly team allows me to bring awareness to others about how they can prevent food waste in our communities.”

Neematallah Yusuff

“I joined Feeding Philly as an intern because I was interested in stopping food waste and insecurity, helping those in need, and creating a positive impact on the environment and the community. By joining Feeding Philly, I can connect with others with the same goal to help spread awareness about food waste and insecurity while making a difference in the lives of people across Philadelphia.”

Cole Shamis

“I joined Feeding Philly to learn more about food insecurity and how I could help solve issues like food insecurity in Philadelphia. Joining Feeding Philly was a decision I made because I wanted to learn how to work with others to help others in my school and community. Feeding Philly has taught me how to include others and how they can also be a part of solving the food insecurity issue in our community.”

Eleanor Black

"I joined Feeding Philly because I believe that a better Philadelphia is possible and necessary. Fighting food insecurity is fundamental to bettering our communities and the environment. Joining as an intern allows me to help and educate those around me while filling gaps in my own knowledge. Working with other passionate young people to make a change in our city has been an amazing experience."



1700 W Olney Ave
Philadelphia, PA 19141


Every other  Monday at 3:10 pm in room 106


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